
This page is updated for 2024.

RollerCon Medics are a crucial part of our team. So we are pleased to offer our medics all the volunteer compensation as our general staff, but also some additional compensation, as well.


We take scope of practice very seriously.  In the event of a serious medical emergency, our Medics provide emergency medical care of simple and multiple system trauma while local EMS is activated. Treatments may include:

  • Rapid and detailed assessment of injured parties
  • Controlling hemorrhage
  • Treating shock
  • Assessing for concussions
  • Bandaging wounds
  • Immobilization of painful, swollen, or deformed extremities, neck, or spine.
  • Determining whether further medical care is necessary
  • On-site procedural reporting

Qualifications and Requirements

  • You must be a currently certified EMT, Paramedic, RN, or PA. Proof of current credentials are required annually. Please email if you have a different license that you feel is appropriate and we will be happy to discuss (contact info below)
    • New in 2023: We must have at least one Medic licensed in Nevada on shift during open hours in the Expo.
  • Please also provide proof of CPR Certification
  • Submit your RC Medic application before June 30th
  • Please plan to attend a mandatory pre-RollerCon Medic meeting on Wednesday evening before RollerCon skating events start in the Expo. If you are arriving in Las Vegas later you must discuss ahead of time with Medic Manager.
  • Read and understand the RollerCon Safety Handbook, and operate within the guidelines specified.  The RollerCon Safety Handbook will be provided at the pre-RollerCon Medic meeting.
  • Please submit arrival and departure dates to our Medic Manager before June 1st.

Available Compensation

  • A RollerCon Pass in the same year
  • 2 RollerCon Medic shirts to be worn on shift
  • Half price our group rate solo rooms
  • Free shared room at a RC Host Hotel
  • All other benefits of RollerCon Volunteer Staff, including Staff-only raffles, Volunteer Army shirts, hourly credits for other vollie hours combined toward future years, and more!

Medics work on a rolling benefit schedule:

  • 5 Medic hours get you a medic tee and volunteer army benefits. This tier does not include a RollerCon pass in the same year, but your hours earn you a discounted pass for next year and can be combined with other departments to earn a free pass.
  • 10 Medic hours get you the compensation above, plus a RollerCon pass for the same year, and a discounted staff room at our host hotel
  • 15+ hours gets you all the compensation above, plus you can choose a discounted solo room or a free shared room, instead

*All Medic hours must be picked up in VORC at least 30 days before the start of the event to guarantee benefits will still be available. Rooms are typically assigned long before that, and passes must be redeemed before that, as well. 

INTERESTED? Start here with this short EMT Assessment. Thanks!

Questions? Comments? Please contact for assistance.