Int’l Visa Invitation

Updated in November of 24 for RollerCon 2025

We are happy to provide the RC25 US Visa Letter for all RollerCon travelers.

To Whom It May Concern,

Please consider this an official invitation to attend the Annual International RollerCon Roller Derby Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada this summer, from July 9th – 13th, 2025

The convention address is:
The Expo at World Market Center
435 S. Grand Central Parkway
Las Vegas, Nevada 89106

Our host hotels are:

  • Plaza Hotel, 1 Main St, Las Vegas, NV 89101
  • Downtown Grand: 206 N. 3rd St, Las Vegas, NV 89101

RollerCon features social events, networking opportunities, management and training seminars,
on- and off-skates training and gear classes, and specific seminars and training geared directly
to International skaters, to help them enjoy skating and develop skating sports in their home

Our convention attendees are invited to join our volunteer staff, and will have opportunities to
participate in exhibition games and events featuring skaters from across the world.
For more information about RollerCon and the history of the convention, please see our website

Thank you!
Ivanna S. Pankin
RollerCon Kingpin