Code of Conduct

This Code of Conduct was reviewed and updated on March 30, 2024. The nudity clause was added 7/2/24.

  • Our inclusion and diversity policy can be found here.
  • Our SkateSafe safety measures on and off the track can be found here.
  • Details about our 2024+ Expo nudity policy can be found below the COC on this page
  • Please sign our Code of Conduct (detailed below): 

RollerCon takes the safety and well-being of our community very seriously and does not allow or tolerate the harassment of or by any employee, volunteer, coach, attendee, vendor, volunteer, or other affiliated persons at our event. Any action reported against any person affiliated with RollerCon during the event will be taken seriously.

Examples of prohibited conduct may include, but are not limited to:

  • Intimidation or threats
  • Inappropriate disruption of events
  • Physical assault of any type
  • Inappropriate physical contact
  • Unwanted sexual attention
  • Unwanted photography or video recording
  • Bullying or stalking

Especially in connection to:

  • Race, ethnicity or national origin
  • Gender identity or presentation
  • Sex or sexual orientation
  • Disability, medical condition or pregnancy
  • Age
  • Religion
  • Citizenship status
  • Attire (or lack of it)
  • Skill level or lack of it

Persons affiliated with RollerCon are expected to conduct themselves in a responsible and respectful manner at RollerCon. This includes:

  • Honestly self-assessing skill level and respecting safety rules. 
  • Complying with local laws, hotel security and law enforcement as well as RollerCon SkateSafe and Management staff and Venue Security instructions at all times.
  • If you see something, say something. If you have witnessed or experienced any type of harassment or harm at RollerCon, tell someone. Make sure that the persons affected are safe or locate someone who can. 
  • Never assume personal comments about a person are appropriate or welcome. 
  • Never assume physical contact with another is appropriate or welcomed without explicit consent. 
  • Request and respect people’s physical boundaries. 
  • Foster a safe and healthy sporting and learning environment while interacting in training, competitive, and learning environments. 
  • Attendees are free to dress however they choose, including revealing outfits in private RollerCon convention areas, but must comply with venue policies about nudity and municipal indecent exposure laws. Expo forbids toplessness and g-strings. City laws require that you cover anus and genitals.
  • Consent must be explicit and ongoing. 
    • Nudity is not consent. Clothing, lack of clothing and/or a person’s appearance is never considered consent. 
    • Fame is not consent. Do not touch coaches or other famous people without consent. 
    • Intoxicated people cannot legally give consent. 
  • Behavior that is disruptive and detrimental – whether explicitly covered in this document or not – will not be tolerated. 

If you feel unsafe in any RollerCon situation, please tell a member of staff, contact Skatesafe at 774-993-4257, or call 911.

  1. If the incident occurs during a derby game, please speak to the Head Ref, who can escalate to the Track Lead, if necessary. Depending on the severity of the situation, the HR / Lead may request that you to stay around after the game.
  2. Report the incident in our COC reporting tool: Your report can be anonymous, if you choose.
  3. Ask to talk to our SkateSafe Manager on site by asking for them at VCI or talking to any RollerCon Manager, who can find them. Call or text the SkateSafe hotline: 774-993-4257

Every issue is different, but in all cases:

  • RollerCon COC violation decisions are final and not open to debate. 
  • We respect the victim’s wishes with regard to contacting them or not. 
  • We respect the privacy of all parties, and will make it clear who will be involved in any communications, investigations and/or incident consequences.
  • RollerCon on site incidents reported to a staff member shall be escalated to RollerCon Management. Possible outcomes may include:
    • Requirement to engage in restorative conversation before continuing participation in RollerCon events
    • Admission revoked, up to and including participation for future events
  • RollerCon staff do not have the ability to justly, equitably and impartially investigate or mediate complaints of actions that occur outside the RollerCon event. We do not ban attendees for actions that occur outside the RollerCon event except in the following circumstances:. 
    • RollerCon is a WFTDA / USARS sanctioned event. Punitive actions taken by WFTDA, USARS, JRDA, MRDA and RDCL include RollerCon. For example, a person banned from WFTDA events is also banned from RollerCon.
    • People listed on the US SafeSport Centralized Disciplinary Database may not attend RollerCon.
    • We honor legal documentation such as restraining orders and orders of protection. In all cases where an attendee is the petitioner of a legal order and provides documentation, the respondent will be banned from attending.

Sign this Code of Conduct digitally:

RollerCon 2024: Lewd, Nude & Topless No More

RollerCon has always celebrated body positivity and nudity to the extent that our venues allow. Unfortunately, the management of the Expo at World Market Center requires coverage while in their facility. While in the Expo at World Market Center facility, all RollerCon attendees must “conduct themselves in a decent, orderly & respectful manner and shall not knowingly permit within or upon the licensed premises any lewd activity, nudity or topless activities…” The Expo at World Market Center has contractually reserved the right to remove any guest who violates this code.

RollerCon and the Expo at World Market Center have agreed that typical swimwear is not considered nude or topless, but they have not given us further specific parameters. So here are the RULES:

  • All attendees* must have opaque fabric covering their chest, crack and crotch, and it must be attached to more fabric, no exceptions.
  • Pasties, tape, g-strings – and similar attire – are no longer allowed in this facility without further coverage.
  • “All attendees” means everyone. RollerCon rules apply to every person equally: same rules for all genders, all people, at all times.