Last updated for 2024, but it doesn’t usually change that much.
Important: Not a RollerCon-organized or insured Event! Skate at your own risk. And wear a helmet! We don’t share any photos without helmets in our albums.
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When: 8pm – 10pm most nights (11pm Sat).
Who: Aggressive Derby Skaters from all over. Skill level: Everyone
Requirements: Helmets are required at ALL PARKS. Smart park skaters wear full pads.
Please be aware that local skateboarders tend not to be super excited about this week because they don’t love being overwhelmed with hundreds of people that aren’t usually there. So please do your best to be friendly. Don’t snake locals (or anyone else, for that matter). Watch where you sit / stand / hang out so you aren’t blocking someone’s run (especially at crowded parks like Craig’s Ranch). Just – be cool, please. Lots of RC attendees and park roller skaters live in Las Vegas, so please do what you can to avoid making everyone bummed on roller skaters.
* IMPORTANT: This informal event is not insured, organized or monitored by RollerCon (though a bunch of us go). The skatepark tour is not covered by USARS or WFTDA insurance. Park skaters, instructors, hosts and organizers of RollerCon cannot be held responsible or liable for any injuries that you incur. All skatepark tour participants skate 100% at their own risk.
RollerCon 2017 Skatepark Tour by AntiClique Zine
RollerCon 2015 Skatepark Tour from Tristan King on Vimeo.
The training, opinions, findings, and conclusions offered during Rollercon are those of the authors or speakers and not necessarily those of the speaker’s league, the Women’s Flat Track Derby Association or the hosts or planners of the RollerCon conference. The materials and information presented are for informational purposes only & are not legal advice or counsel. Information gathered should be modified to fit your own personal needs, business models, athletic competence, health concerns and limitations, and state requirements. All skaters should execute proper safety precautions prior to attempting any skills demonstrated or shown. All RollerCon registrants participate in conference events solely at their own risk.